Project: Good practice guidelines


Students publish a page on the school website outlining good practice guidelines for young people about one of the following:

  • consumer rights when buying goods in a shop
  • consumer rights when shopping online
  • the value of insurance
  • how to avoid scams


Depending on your class, the project may involve some of the following elements:

Divide the class into small teams and allocate responsibilities as required.

  • Review learning from Section 4
  • Carry out a short survey with young people in their school (for example, to find out which online shops are most popular)
  • Research the terms and conditions offered to customers (for example, in shop policies or by insurance companies offering cover for goods or services relevant to young people, like gadget insurance or holiday insurance)
  • Create a set of good practice guidelines for young people, including examples from the research they have undertaken.  The published online material should include easy-to-understand explanations (for example, content about how to avoid scams), and include infographics or videos or presentations detailing appropriate behaviour (for example, rights and responsibilities online)


Class discusses what worked well; what did not work well; what they learned; what they would  do differently etc

Reflection Journal

At the conclusion of their good practice guidelines project each student should reflect on the experience, using writtenaudiovisual or digital format.  Student reflections should include:

  • A summary of information they have learned
  • Reflection on skills they have developed
  • A record of particular insights they have gained
  • Questions with which they are still left
  • Reflection on what they have learned from this and what it means for their own lives or for the future

Project Record

Students are required to complete at least three projects relating to different sections of the course and must create a Project Record for one action taken during the short course.  [NB: work completed in First Year cannot be submitted for certification].

If students decide to produce a Project Record for the Good practice guidelines project they can do so in writtenaudiovisual or digital form.  Regardless of the format chosen, students should ensure that their individual Project Record communicates:

  • Why I chose this project
  • What the aims of my project were and what means I chose to achieve the aims
  • How I sourced and used research
  • How I worked with others in carrying out the project activities
  • How I organised and managed myself
  • Key moments or milestones
  • Any challenges I encountered
  • Evidence of my individual participation in the project activities
  • My overall reflections on what I have learned through planning and participating in the project activities
  • What I/we achieved

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