Home Economics

This unit of learning on budgeting and household management has been developed in consultation with Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) and is designed to be used by Home Economics teachers in the classroom.

The unit consists of four sections which could be used as a single unit or as part of a unit of learning developed using other learning outcomes from the specification.

In this unit students will consider the various types of personal resources available to them and are provided with the opportunity to apply decision-making skills to make the best use of these resources for everyday living. Students will also identify different forms of income and expenditure building towards the development of financial literacy skills required for budgeting for independent living.

Activities have been developed for each section and could be used as possible assessments where required. Role cards developed for the Giant Steps Game have been designed for use throughout the unit for the incremental development of knowledge and skills.

‘Home Economics aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and values necessary to achieve optimal, healthy and sustainable living for individuals, families and society.  Home Economics nurtures students’ resourcefulness, innovation, adaptability, and competency as consumers.’ (Home Economics Specification, p. 5)

This unit of learning is designed to build on students’ prior learning and to develop knowledge and understanding for further study and possibly make connections with their learning in other subjects.

Links to Learning Outcomes

The specification for Junior Cycle Home Economics focuses on developing students’ understanding and skills through the study of three inter-connected strands: Food, health and culinary skills; Responsible family living; and Textiles and craft.

Each section within the Home Economics stream has been developed using learning outcomes from Strand 2: Responsible family living. When designing units of learning, you may wish to consider learning outcomes from the other strands of the Home Economics Specification to reflect the integrated nature of the Specification and links to the other strands have been suggested throughout the unit.

For the full Home Economics specification click here.

Source: curriculumonline.ie

Please let us know your experience of using the resource via the social media links at the bottom of this page.

Section 1: Needs vs Wants


Students will identify needs and wants and be able to differentiate between the two. They do this through analysing case studies and taking part in the Giant Steps game.

Section 2: Resources & Income

Students will consider the various types of resources available to them, recognise that choices have to be made when they use resources to meet their needs and wants and understand that these choices involve cost.

Section 3: Expenditure

Students will examine expenditure as it relates to them, to a household and independent living. They will learn to differentiate between fixed, irregular and discretionary expenditure.

Section 4: Create a Budget

Students will gain an understanding of budgeting for individuals and how to prepare and evaluate a budget for independent living.

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